In the past few years I have had four people independently comment "you know what, you think weird." Besides the questionable grammar, the statement left me befuddled. Upon further questioning no one could give me a good example, only that I "didn't think like other people." Now at the time I took this as a complement but around the third or forth person I began to become a little self conscious.
A Zen monk was once asked what enlightenment is like. The monk thought about it for a minute and replied "just like before only two inches off the ground." The monk was not so elated that he felt like he was floating, but only that he now sees the would a little differently. Next time you get a chance stand on you chair, desk, willing midget, etc... and take a look around. Notice how different your world is now? Do I really think people will jump on to their coffee tables and reach santorie (enlightenment)? No. More likely vertigo, but there is always the hope that someone will at least pause to give something in their life another look and find something new.
This is pretty much what this blog is about. Nothing life changing, just giving you the chance to look at life through eyes not quite two inches off the ground but maybe one, two inches sideways, and (I am not going to lie) sometimes crossed. Just keep in mind that thinking weird is not bad, If we all thought the same way this would be a vary boring life.
Live in awe, people. Live in awe.
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